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Videos & Films

Video: The Beautiful Gifts of the Spirit World: Part 5 of 7: The Gift of Freedom from Tyranny - Part 1
~ YouTube Video
Is there freedom in the spirit world? Can evil people and tyrants force their will upon us in the spirit world? Does God force anyone to be good? more
Video: The Beautiful Gifts of the Spirit World, Part 4 of 7: The Gift of Freedom to Be Oneself and the Gift of Time
~ YouTube Video
Will we have the opportunity to be creative in the spirit world? Will we have time to "follow our bliss," or will it still be a world of drudgery, where most of our time is taken up with survival? more
Video: The Beautiful Gifts of the Spirit World: Part 3 of 7: The Gifts of Identity, Personality, and Loving Relationships
~ YouTube Video
When we die, do we keep our identity, and continue our relationships with people whom we love, like our spouse, children, parents, siblings, relatives, and friends, or do we return to earth through a process of reincarnation?

If we are reincarnated many times, what happens to our memories of the many lives and relationships we experienced?

What do we make of the conflict between testimonies of enduring personal identity in the spirit world versus memories of reincarnation? more
Video: The Beautiful Gifts of the Spirit World: Part 2 of 7: Near-Death Experiences of the Gift of Love
~ YouTube Video
What evidence is there for the existence of an after-life, or spirit world? Is it a world where love reigns supreme? What happens when a person has a near-death experience?

This presentation is the second of seven videos. more
Video: The Beautiful Gifts of the Spirit World: Part 1 of 7: The Gift of Instantaneous Travel
~ YouTube Video
Is there life after death? If there is, what is it like? Is it divided between people playing harps and others screaming in eternal flames? Do people melt into a vast, amorphous sea of bliss where their identity is lost?

Do individuals lose their identity by reincarnating over and over again? Or, is the so-called "spirit world" very similar to the landscapes of earth, where people live for eternity with the identity that they established during their life on earth? Will they be able to see their family members, relatives, and ancestors once again? more
Video: The Universe is Made of Love
~ YouTube Video
The world today is so full of stress and tragedy that it sometimes might seem that life is too grim to bear. Is there anything that can give us hope? As 2017 began, on January 1st, New Year's Day, I was meditating and praying about the state of the world, and received this inspiration in prayer. I found it immensely comforting. more
Video: The Last Person
~ YouTube Video
A short story that I've written about a monk who rediscovered his soul.

"It wasn't the desert that clawed at the monk's soul, making him feel as if his skin was being ripped away while he helplessly watched. It was Nevada's other side, the seamy underbelly of a beast that flaunted its bravado on billboards and in neon lights, at crap tables and on stages crowded with soulless dancers who beckoned to middle-aged men." more
Video: The Orchid Queen
~ YouTube Video
This is a short story that I've written about an orchid queen who lost her way. ~

Can an orchid forget? One might not think so, but this one forgot. She was born next to a thicket of vines in a forest that echoed with the thrum of bullets and the animosity of men. When she was very young, a boot had fallen on her body, exhausting her in a bewilderment of panic as she struggled to free herself. Eventually, the boot had been dragged away, leaving behind scars and confusion in her delicate heart. more
Video: The Value of One: Religious Freedom and the Growth of a Mystical World
~ YouTube Video
Is religious freedom important? Will it help society and the world? If it were up to you, would you guarantee complete religious freedom for all individuals? Would you like that freedom for yourself? more
Video: The Closeness of God
~ YouTube Video
If we assume that God exists, we are still left with the question of relationship. Is God far away or intimate and close? Does God leave us when we act selfishly or stay with us through every moment of our life? How does God feel about us? Does God love us all the time or only when we are good? more
Peter Falkenberg Brown
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