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Culture and Politics

This section is focused on the many issues of culture and politics. This includes a variety of cultural issues such as marriage and family as well as educational topics. The overriding theme is that freedom, rooted in unselfish ethics and the classical virtues, is the core attribute of human success. It is also the dividing line between the left and the right in politics.

I do my best to not be divisive, because I truly believe that all humans are equal and incarnational children of the same parental God. At the same time, I feel that it's very important to stand up for the sacred freedoms that all humans are given by God. Thus, I think it's unavoidable that freedom-loving people should push back against political and cultural totalitarianism. Ultimately, one hopes that those individuals who support or pursue totalitarianism will change their hearts and minds and stand up for freedom as well.

Open-Borders Immigration Would Destroy American Sovereignty and Exceptionalism
This is the essay upon which my speech at the Gray Republicans' May 8, 2019 event on the Crisis of Immigration at the Southern Border was based.
In the flurry of opinions about immigration, border walls, compassion for immigrants and their children, economics, and an influx of crime, there is a larger, more urgent, and civilization-changing crisis: the real probability that open-borders immigration would destroy American sovereignty and exceptionalism. more
Saving Western Civilization Demands That We Study Islam
~ Presenting a simple resource guide to gain a clear understanding of the REAL Islam
If Islam were “just a religion,” studying it would not be necessary unless one simply wanted to learn about the religion.

However, Islam is not just a religion. It is also a political ideology that, when put into practice, results in loss of freedom, violence, and ultimately mass slavery of its populations. To many, this statement may seem “intolerant.” However, those who study Islam in-depth, without apology for Islam, and those who study Islam’s historical record, will indeed find that Islam poses an existential threat to free civilizations.

This does not mean that “Muslims are bad.” That would be bigotry... more
Identity Politics is a Revenge-Driven Tragedy That Will Make the Whole World Blind
~ Updated with new content on June 30, 2019, in the second half of the essay, about "Reparations." That second half has also been copied to a stand-alone essay called "Reparations for One Demands Reparations for All."
In Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s book Strength to Love, he wrote:
Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
The healing of the human race requires an adjustment in the values of humanity. When love becomes the most valuable thing of all, then we do indeed have hope to abandon the revenge-driven tragedy of identity politics. more
Freedom for One Requires Freedom for All
~ How the Left created a cold civil war and why liberals and conservatives must unite against them
The Left has advanced to the cusp of victory because the United States did not engage a multi-generational enemy with a continual and adequate defense and offense. If an enemy wages a concerted attack against a group of people who are not engaged in fighting back both defensively and offensively, with an absolute commitment to win, it is only a matter of time before the enemy is completely victorious. This is the unfortunate reality of the United States, Canada, and most of Western Europe. more
Recommended Websites for Conservative Information
Here's my current list of recommended websites to gain deep and fantastic knowledge about conservative issues. more
How Long Will a Free America Survive?
~ Why Republicans, conservatives, and liberals need to boldly educate voters about America’s founding principles of freedom—and the threats to its survival

This text was presented on January 29, 2019, as a public speech at the first in a series of "Save America and Freedom" public presentations sponsored by the Gray Republican Committee of Gray, Maine. The talk was thirty minutes long and was followed by thirty minutes of Q&A and discussion.

Peter is the current Chairman of that Committee, and is available to give this talk in other locations.
The British Islamist Anjem Choudary stated: “By 2050, Britain will be a majority Muslim country. It will be the end of freedom of democracy...”

In the November 2, 2018 podcast “America’s Division Stems From Opposing Views Of Freedom,” hosted at The Federalist by publisher Ben Domenech, Os Guinness, the British author and social critic, stated that America is at a “Rubicon moment.” He predicted that if we don’t reverse the destructive trends of Leftism the American experiment has only ten or fifteen years left. more
The Left's Smear Tactics Were Grown in Soviet Russia
Freedom-loving people cannot permit the Left to turn America into a Totalitarian State
A Soviet directive:
"Members and front organizations must continually embarrass, discredit and degrade our critics. When obstructionists become too irritating, label them as fascist or Nazi or anti-Semitic." more
The Incarnational Rights of Men and Women
~ The Illumination and Flowering of Homo Incarnatus ~
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the American Declaration of Independence support the view that all humans are “incarnational peers” with “equal and inalienable rights,” from the humblest individual to the very top of governmental and social structures. They are peers based on the central acknowledgment that all humans are incarnational men and women, whether birthed from a Creative Intelligence or simply the Quantum Universe. more
The Fires of Hope, Love and Determination to Save the World
~ advancing the daily campaign to multiply goodness ~
On a recent Saturday afternoon, I found myself sitting in our bedroom, staring through the window at the world outside, overcome with gloom. The threat of nuclear suitcase bombs and other terrors weighed heavily on my heart. ... Then I got mad. Mad at despair and hopelessness. Mad at the lie contained in the spirit of defeat. more
To the Death of Tyranny: Building Nations of Freedom, Responsibility, and Love
~ Lessons from the victims and children of communism ~
Her answer truly surprised me. She said that she thought that Albania had been much better under communism. We didn’t chat for very long, but she referred to corruption and human trafficking, which she implied didn’t happen under communism. I wished her well, with the hope that Albania could find a better alternative. more
Peter Falkenberg Brown
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