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Videos & Films

Video: Free Speech, Hate Speech, & Censorship: Winning the 2020 Elections
~ This is Part 1 of a longer program. The essay from which this speech was birthed can be viewed here.
This is an excerpt from a longer video of an event co-hosted by the Gray and Cumberland Republican Town Committees in Maine, and co-sponsored by 32 additional town committees and nonprofits and leaders. This excerpt contains my speech on the topic of the evening: "Free Speech, Hate Speech, & Censorship: Winning the 2020 Elections." more
Video: Open-Borders Immigration Would Destroy American Sovereignty and Exceptionalism
Part 1 of the Gray Republican Committee's event:
"The Immigration Crisis at the Southern Border"
May 8, 2019 ~ Gray, Maine
In the flurry of opinions about immigration, border walls, compassion for immigrants and their children, economics, and an influx of crime, there is a larger, more urgent, and civilization-changing crisis: the real probability that open-borders immigration would destroy American sovereignty and exceptionalism. more
Video - Version 2: The True Identity of Humans
Sick of #IdentityPolitics? Tired of watching as humans are divided into hostile groups of oppressors versus oppressed by activists who thrive on discord? Do you believe that #AllLivesMatter with sacred, individual rights? It's time to reexamine the true identity of humans! more
Video: At Gray, ME GOP: How Long Will a Free America Survive?
~ Why Republicans, conservatives, and liberals need to boldly educate voters about America’s founding principles of freedom—and the threats to its survival

(30 Minute Speech, 30 minutes Q&A and Discussion)

This talk was presented by Peter Falkenberg Brown on January 29, 2019, sponsored by the Gray Republican Committee of Gray, Maine. Peter is the current Chairman of that Committee, and is available to give this talk in other locations.
The British Islamist Anjem Choudary stated: “By 2050, Britain will be a majority Muslim country. It will be the end of freedom of democracy...”

In the November 2, 2018 podcast “America’s Division Stems From Opposing Views Of Freedom,” hosted at The Federalist by publisher Ben Domenech, Os Guinness, the British author and social critic, stated that America is at a “Rubicon moment.” He predicted that if we don’t reverse the destructive trends of Leftism the American experiment has only ten or fifteen years left. more
Video: Divine Writing Communion and the Joy of Living with God
~ YouTube Video and Audio Podcast
Historically, religious people have prayed to God, and then tried to receive inspiration in return. Is there a way for us to communicate with God in a balanced and reasonable way? more
Video: A World of Sacred, Eternal Human Beings
~ YouTube Video
How can peace come to the world? How can humans grow beyond an endless cycle of violence, hatred, and tragedy? What can each of us do to become individuals that foster peace wherever we go? more
Video: Creating a Culture of Kindness
~ YouTube Video
Is there anything that each of us can do to influence the future of the world? Will a world of peace be created by governmental policies or by the accumulated efforts of individuals? more
Video and Podcast: Reflections on Drinking from the Source of Love
~ YouTube Video & Podcast
What can we learn from nature? Can nature change us and deepen our capacity to love? Even in the grimmest of city lives, we can find a patch of sky, a breath of wind, or a bird to console our hearts. more
Podcast: Freedom of Speech and the Offense of Political Correctness
~ Podcast
A comprehensive review of freedom of speech and the offense of political correctness, ranging from the goodness of people and puppies to the Salem witch trials, Mao's Red Guard, totalitarianism, the Civil War, slavery, Frederick Douglass, American exceptionalism, social justice warriors, identity politics, intersectionality, the oppression olympics, the tyranny of Islamic Shariah law, and the healing vision of Martin Luther King, Jr. more
Video: Drinking from the Source of Love
~ YouTube Video
All of us appreciate and value the sensation of being loved. Sometimes, however, we can't feel love from the people around us. What can we do in those situations to remain connected to love? Is there anywhere else that we can look to find the love that every human soul needs to feel? more
Peter Falkenberg Brown
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