A Mystical LifeThese essays touch on aspects of love, beauty, joy, and freedom as they relate to a spiritual life: a mystical life of living with God, the indwelling Source of Life. by Peter Falkenberg Brown Jun 12, 2023 This essay is excerpted from the book
"The Living Compass of Kindness and Compassionate Love:
Essays on Love, Beauty, and the Mystical Path," by the author.
The book is available on Amazon at
~ Much of this essay applies to women as well because men and women share a divine source. Yet, since I am not a woman, and because I believe that men need to deeply explore this topic, I have addressed it to men. by Peter Falkenberg Brown Jul 21, 2022 Our desire to become men of empathy and men of love will be more quickly fulfilled when we remember that the means to the end are the same as the end. We reclaim our divinity as we progress along the path of love. It’s not a short path, and it’s often difficult, especially when we look in the mirror and realize how undivine we may have been. It is important to state that becoming a man of empathy and love requires courage and emotional strength. It requires indefatigable guts and fighting spirit, especially when we are challenged to love those with whom we emotionally struggle.
moreby Peter Falkenberg Brown Dec 31, 2021 Humanity is living in a broken state that has affected every aspect of life. Although some may work to solve the problems of the world solely through political and external means, is it not true that all actions start in the mind, the heart, and the soul of an individual? It is in the internal world of human beings where we must look for the healing of the world.
more~ a "Divine Writing Communion" message, received from God in prayer on October 20, 2021 by Peter Falkenberg Brown Oct 21, 2021 A life of no separation with God means that you can divide a second in half infinitely and find no unit of time where separation exists. That is where every human is headed.
moreby Peter Falkenberg Brown Apr 4, 2021 The life and resurrection of Jesus were gifts to the world that revealed how powerful God’s love was for humanity. They were messages to every one of God’s children that even though the world was often hellish and unbearable, we all belonged to God, we all were qualified to receive God’s love, and we all could live with God for eternity. The death of our bodies was shown to be a trivial matter, for our souls continued forever.
moreby Peter Falkenberg Brown Apr 5, 2020 At the age of fifty-two, in 2007, when I wrote the original version of this essay, I realized that I had to expand my external goals to include my life in the spirit world. I should have realized this much earlier in life, but for many years I had separated my goals. My “external” career goals went only as far as the end of my life in the physical world. My goals for the spirit world were limited to “internal” goals, such as loving God and loving people. I now feel that this is too limiting. In my opinion, we won’t stop working in the afterlife. We’ll want to do something.
more~ a Christmas meditation on the gifts of love by Peter Falkenberg Brown Dec 14, 2019 The feeling of being loved by an invisible source grows exponentially as we notice the gifts of love that we receive every day. Even gifts from human beings are not just from those fine individuals, because their love is part of a continuum of love that preexisted their birth. Thus, a gift from one person is a gift from the Creator of love and the creator of gifts. No one can say, “I created love. I created beauty,” no matter how far back in history one goes.
moreOn June 1, 2019, I found myself very comforted during a late-night prayer with a message about love and the confidence that the day will come for each person when their soul will smile. by Peter Falkenberg Brown Jun 6, 2019 Think of how many people look and feel. They are exhausted by their pain. They may know that they were created to feel differently, but they cannot muster the spark that will light the fire of love that will one day burst forth from their soul. They are too tired at the moment.
more~ Exploring the evidence of love
Written on November 28, 2017 The essay below was originally
published as a video on YouTube.
I've finally published the text version here, with all of the photos and artwork that are in the video. by Peter Falkenberg Brown Feb 9, 2019 Is it non-intellectual and foolish to believe that God exists? Is there any evidence in the world around us that will demonstrate that God exists and also show us what God is like?
moreby Peter Falkenberg Brown Jan 5, 2019 I received the following message from God, in prayer on January 1, 2019, New Year's Day, during a Divine Writing Communion session.
more “The Epiphany of Zebediah Clump”
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