A Mystical LifeThese essays touch on aspects of love, beauty, joy, and freedom as they relate to a spiritual life: a mystical life of living with God, the indwelling Source of Life. ~ See link at bottom for a formatted PDF version of this article. by Peter Falkenberg Brown Oct 31, 2018 The answers I receive have comforted me, inspired me, and surprised me. I believe that all people can communicate with God in this fashion. I also believe that because every person’s relationship with God is unique, the words that one person receives may or may not be relevant to anyone else. I believe that no one can be closer to each of us than God. Thus, we have to seek our own counsel with God in the most private and personal way.
more“God has enough of everything; caressing souls is the only thing he cannot get enough of.” ~ Mechthild of Magdeburg by Peter Falkenberg Brown Sep 26, 2018 I am well aware of the fact that “receiving messages from God” is a controversial practice, since no one really knows—including the recipient of the messages—if the messages come from God, one’s higher self, one’s imagination, or even from a discarnate entity other than God (benevolent or otherwise).
moreby Peter Falkenberg Brown Jun 28, 2017 What are we capable of, as human beings? Can we become perfect or divine or magnificent? We look at grand figures in history or fictional heroes and heroines and feel instinctively that that is how we should be. Yet, “becoming perfect” or growing beyond the “normal” status of humans is extraordinarily difficult. We may sometimes grumble, “Nobody’s perfect. We’re just human.”
moreby Peter Falkenberg Brown May 21, 2017 How we view other humans is closely tied to how we view ourselves. Who are we? What is our identity? To me, this question is one of the central questions of life on earth. I believe that the answer goes far beyond opinions and belongs instead to the realm of scientific truth. As much as we can all finally agree that the world is round, I believe that one day we’ll all agree on a clear definition of the true identity of humans. The science that proves this will undoubtedly boggle our minds. Until then, I believe that the proof rests in our hearts.
moreby Peter Falkenberg Brown May 4, 2017 “No one can stop me from communicating with each and every human being. No one can stop me from whispering words of love to their souls, or embracing them continuously. No one can say that any individual is unworthy to be loved by me, or doesn’t have the ability to hear me and feel my loving presence.”
more~ received in prayer on New Year's Day, 2017 by Peter Falkenberg Brown Jan 1, 2017 When two humans meet and regard each other as sacred creatures resonating with the love and beauty of the universe, a musical chord moves across the expanse. Real peace between humans is birthed at the soul level, where love begins. In that place, each human is equal, and free to resonate with their own unique and mysterious connection to the Source.
moreby Peter Falkenberg Brown Dec 1, 2016 From God, my Dear Beloved:The more you become aware that I am made of love and with that love I am inhabiting you, living with you and as you, and also surrounding you with my embrace—the more you become aware of my presence of love, then the more you will be able to Be Love. You will grow into a Being of Love, expressing love with every breath, thinking and feeling love in every moment. Your nature that I created is to be love, to live as a Being of Love.
more ~ creating a custom silver ring with master artisan Oleg Mozjoukhine Aug 16, 2016 In 2015 I was inspired to create a ring that had a very personal spiritual meaning to me—a ring that would represent my vows of love with the indwelling God. During my daily meditation practice, over a period of many months, I decided that I wanted to create a sterling silver ring with a design of silver irises on a dark green background.
more[a new, substantially revised version] by Peter Falkenberg Brown Mar 16, 2016 I believe that one reason marriages collapse before death intervenes is because the pledge of love until death contains an inherent limitation. If one assumes that marriage is only for one’s physical lifetime, then it may make sense to move on to a better marriage if the first one isn’t working out.
moreCompletely Revised and Expanded on Jan. 1 and Jan. 14, 2015 by Peter Falkenberg Brown Jan 1, 2015 When I reflect about these gifts I always come back to the same conclusion that the Creator of the beautiful gifts of the spirit world must have been motivated by an intense and enduring love for each of us. Each of the gifts is so absolutely perfect for human beings—so fulfilling, so charming, and so delightful in every way. Each of the gifts fosters and multiplies love and beauty and joy.
I believe that the realm of the spirit world was created to be a place of happiness that is almost unimaginable from our vantage point in the physical world which has so often been described as “hell on earth.”
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