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The Left's Smear Tactics Were Grown in Soviet Russia

Freedom-loving people cannot permit the Left to turn America into a Totalitarian State

Oct 3, 2018

James Simpson has written a brilliant piece for The Federalist—a must-read for every American who does not want the Left to turn America into a totalitarian state.

He outlines the Marxist-Leninist roots of the Left's vicious campaigns to smear and discredit their opponents. We've all seen the phenomemon many times, but the manufactured and calculated "rage" directed at Judge Brett Kavanaugh has gone far beyond the pale.

The worst part of the Leftist rage machine is that so many people who don't have a historical point of reference (like millennials) are profoundly influenced by the lies and distortions presented by the Left.

Simpson quotes Vladimir Lenin, who stated:

"We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, law-breaking, withholding and concealing truth… We can and must write in a language that inspires hate, revulsion and scorn toward those who disagree with us."

Simpson then references a Soviet directive:

"Members and front organizations must continually embarrass, discredit and degrade our critics. When obstructionists become too irritating, label them as fascist or Nazi or anti-Semitic . . . constantly associate those who oppose us with those names that already have a bad smell. The association will, after enough repetition, become 'fact' in the public mind."

If we study the horrors of the Bolshevik Revolution and the subsequent Soviet regime that devastated the Russian people, and then understand that Leftism is following the same track, can we really sit idly by as Western Leftists attempt to destroy the sacred freedoms of the West? It is now clear that the Democrat Party has become a machine tainted by the extreme Left's support of totalitarianism.

Simpon's article is linked here:


Peter Falkenberg Brown is passionate about writing, publishing, public speaking and film. He hopes that someday he can live up to one of his favorite mottos: “Expressing God’s kind and compassionate love in all directions, every second of every day, creates an infinitely expanding sphere of heart.”

~ Deus est auctor amoris et decoris. ~

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Peter Falkenberg Brown
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