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The Sailor

Aug 10, 2003

burning in the night,
teased by waves
swallowing an empty ship.

Human shadows
flattened against bars;
   mouths open,
   eyes maddened
from flames
and the threat
   of the sea.

One sailor stayed.
   Dying with slaves
   was the last free act
of a lamented life.

His desire
to be remembered
   brought him
   to my dreams
one night.

I've not forgotten.

Peter Falkenberg Brown is passionate about writing, publishing, public speaking and film. He hopes that someday he can live up to one of his favorite mottos: “Expressing God’s kind and compassionate love in all directions, every second of every day, creates an infinitely expanding sphere of heart.”

~ Deus est auctor amoris et decoris. ~

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Peter Falkenberg Brown
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